Electric toys usually have more play and use functions and are loved by children. Because electronic circuits are used in toys, in order to fully protect the safety of children, the safety of electrical appliances and the related safety problems caused by them have attracted the attention of all countries. At present, in China, the United States, the European Union and other countries and regions have developed relevant provisions and standards to control the safety of electric toys on the market.
(1) China - GB 19865
The standard is applicable to toys for children under 14 years old that need electricity for at least one function.
1.1 general conditions of the experiment
1.2 principle of exemption test
1.3 identification and description
1.4 input power
1.5 fever and abnormal work
1.6 electrical strength at operating temperature
1.7 moisture resistance
1.8 electrical strength at room temperature
1.9 mechanical strength
1.10 structure
1.11 protection of flexible wires and wires
1.12 components
1.13 screws and connections
1.14 electrical separation and creepage distance
1.15 heat and fire resistance
1.16 radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
(2) USA - ASTM F963 clause 4.25
The clause applies to toys that have at least one function powered by batteries for children under 14 years of age.
1.1 label
1.2 maximum voltage
1.3 battery charging
1.4 inaccessibility
1.5 battery mixing
1.6 battery surface temperature test
1.7 danger of overheating or burning
1.8 instructions
1.9 electric riding toys
(3) Eu-en 62115
The standard is applicable to toys for children under 14 years old that need electricity for at least one function.
1.1 general conditions of the experiment
1.2 principle of exemption test
1.3 identification and description
1.4 input power
1.5 fever and abnormal work
1.6 electrical strength at operating temperature
1.7 moisture resistance
1.8 electrical strength at room temperature
1.9 mechanical strength
1.10 structure
1.11 protection of flexible wires and wires
1.12 components
1.13 screws and connections
1.14 electrical separation and creepage distance
1.15 heat and fire resistance
1.16 radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
(4) International - IEC 62115
The standard is applicable to toys for children under 14 years old that need electricity for at least one function.
1.1 general conditions of the experiment
1.2 principle of exemption test
1.3 identification and description
1.4 input power
1.5 fever and abnormal work
1.6 electrical strength at operating temperature
1.7 moisture resistance
1.8 electrical strength at room temperature
1.9 mechanical strength
1.10 structure
1.11 protection of flexible wires and wires
1.12 components
1.13 screws and connections
1.14 electrical separation and creepage distance
1.15 heat and fire resistance
1.16 radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
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